Thursday 27 February 2014

A History Walk

Friday 7th Feb 2014

Today we went on a history walk with the historian, Maggie Tyler, who showed us around the Golborne area, for ideas for our new documentary about the area. Firstly, we looked at the oldest shop on Golborne Road. The shop used to sell food for horses. We went to Trellick Tower, the shops on Golborne Road, Nestle factory - Canalot studios, Cobden Men’s Club -  which was opened for men who didn’t have a good education, halfpenny steps and we saw original Victorian houses in Hazelwood Crescent. She took us around the market and old shops and ones that are still around. We also passed the bridge and stopped to observe and talk about Trellick Tower and its history. I learnt that the person who built Trellick Tower was called Goldfinger.
We also saw Meanwhile Gardens. It was a factory in the Victorian times. We saw a chimney where the steam came out of it. We saw a church from the middle ages. They had to rebuild half of it because of World War 2 – a huge bomb hit it near Canalot studios. Teletubbies park was not a park it was a crescent. Near the crescent there was a beautiful pond. Maggie said it was made by a famous architect. Across the road, there was a bus station that was there in the 1960s, now it is gone, but it still says 'bus'.

By Ali, Nguyen, Razan & Hiba

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